Throughout the ages, males of the species have always been the ones who display themselves in such a way as to attract the opposite sex. The peacock is probably the most recognizable example of this trait. Therefore the term “Peacocking” has become a term to describe the activity when a human male displays himself in a sexually provocative manner.

To that end, I, Ballz Out Rock, have taken on the mission of being a “One Man Battle of the Bulge” to bring back “Peacocking” to men.

Men, let us unite as one, in living “Ballz Out” and bring back “Peacocking.” Shed away your “Schlubbery” and join me and start a movement of men who are proud of their “maleness”. I ask that you lift your head and pump out your chest in pride of all things male.

Being a man, is a “special” place that we hold as men in this world. It is too easy to accept the body shaming and gender discrimination that is all too common today. Masculinity is not “toxic!”. There is beauty in maleness and femaleness. Only recently has it become common for society to paint men with a broad brush. Someone once said, “if you paint men with the same brush, you will eventually run out of men or run out of paint.”

Imagine a world without men and you will have a world that is primitive and backward. Most of the greatest inventions and creations of humanity have been made by the blood, sweat and tears of men. I am not a male suprememacist! A fellow, female comedian, semi-mockingly said that to me after a show we did together. She agreed that men have been credited with most of the world’s inventions but she said that women have invented and created things but they receive no credit.

I agreed, that this is not good for anyone to keep women down or “in their place.” Women have invented and created things in this world and they should be celebrated. However, in lifting women up must we push men down? I think not!

Ballz Out Rock

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